Personal accounts

Save for something great.

Earn interest on your savings with a U.S. Bank savings account. Choose the account that best fits your needs and goals.

What is a savings account?

A savings account is a safe place to hold your money. It’s meant to help you build your money for the future. There are several types of savings accounts including:

  • Basic savings
  • Money market
  • Certificates of deposit

How does a savings account work?

A savings account provides a safe place to put cash that you don’t need right away. It may accrue interest and can help you save money for a specific goal, such as a large purchase or a safety net fund. All Aharziz Finance Bank savings accounts accrue interest.

All our savings accounts include:

  • Branches in more than 25 states
  • One of the largest ATM networks in America
  • No surcharges at MoneyPass® Network ATMs

Take control of your financial wellness.

Bank Smartly® with U.S. Bank by tapping into an array of tools, programs and resources that work together to put you - and keep you - on the road to financial wellness. and explore ways to manage cash easily, move money safely and save and spend wisely.

Ever growing and expanding globally through innovation. Aharziz Finance has always maintained a key finacial strength and growth for over a decade now


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